Analog & IP Phone Support

Analog verses IP Phone:

ANALOG: (Phones & Faxes)

Traditionally connected via CAT3 (Copper Wiring) cabling with multiple connections within the Home or Small Business and serviced via the Phone Carrier.

Existing analog home or small business phones can be routed via your ISP Service and or converted to IP telephony depending on your needs.

In addition existing fax lines can also be converted use the same option.

VOIP: (Voice Over Internet Protocol): (Phones & Faxes)

There are many VOIP Service providers than can convert old analog Phone System to Digital VOIP (Phones and Services)

Most existing Phone or ISP Carriers provide Analog to Digital Services for existing Phones or New IP Phones. 

VOIP can use the existing network Connections (Cat5 or better) in the Home or Small business and some offer WIFI Phones for Office use.

There are two options, POE (Power Over Ethernet and would need a POE Switch) or separate power adapter.

In addition existing fax lines can also be converted to Analog/Digital via an ATA (Analog Telephone Adapter) Device using your Internet/Network instead of the old copper analog lines.

Contact, for local professional help and with telephony solutions.